DFKS-A-1 - Flat ducting set for extraction mode for KMDA 7476 / 7633 / 7634

Flat ducting set for extraction mode for KMDA 7476 / 7633 / 7634 For customised air guidance in extraction mode.

Price: MYR 3,200.00 

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Flat ducting set for extraction mode for KMDA 7476 / 7633 / 7634 For customised air guidance in extraction mode.

  •  Incl. wall vent (DMK150-1)+1xadapter(DFK-A)+1xadapter(DFKAK90)
  • 1 x bend (DFK-BV 90) + 1 x bend (DFK-BH 90) + 1 x 1 m (DFK-R1000)
  • 1 x sealing tape (DFK-DB)
  • National building regulations must be complied with
  • Ducting parts made from white plastic, flame resistant

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MYR 3,200.00
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